Paperless Lite – Terms of use

1. Definitions

  1. Seller – Infinite Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Lublin, ul. Projektowa 1, 20-209 Lublin, entered into the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register kept by the District Court for Lublin-Wschód in Lublin with its registered office in Świdnik, 6th Commercial Division of the National Court Register, under KRS number: 0000016222, NIP: 9461894773, REGON: 430801543;
  2. Customer – a natural person running a business, a legal person or an organisational unit without legal personality, who:
    • is entered into the Central Registration and Information on Business or in the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register; and
    • through the Shop concludes a contract with the Seller for the purpose directly related to their professional or business activity.
  3. Shop – the online shop run by the Seller, operating at the following address:;
  4. Application – the products offered by the Seller in the Shop as indicated at;
  5. Price List – the list of Applications with their designations and prices, which can be found at;
  6. Price – the gross value including value added tax and excise tax, if applicable, expressed in Polish zloty, which the Customer is obliged to pay to the Seller for the subject of the contract; 
  7. Order –  an offer, as defined in Articles 66 and 661 of the Civil Code, made to the Seller by the Customer in electronic form in accordance with the provisions of these Terms of Use, concerning the purchase of access to the Application, submitted according to the principles specified in these Terms of Use;
  8. Working Days – days from Monday to Friday, excluding Polish public holidays;
  9. Working Hours – hours from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Working Days;
  10. Account – the Customer’s account created in the Shop as a result of the registration process;
  11. Service – the website of the Seller’s Shop;
  12. Terms of Use – these Shop terms of use;
  13. Customer with Consumer Rights – a natural person who carries out legal action directly related to their business activity, where the content of that action shows that it is not of a professional nature for that person, arising in particular from the subject of their business activity, made available on the basis of the provisions on the Central Registration and Information on Business.

2. Shop information

  1. The Paperlesslite Shop is run by the Seller and operates at .
  2. The use of the Shop is possible using computer equipment with updated software, with access to the Internet, via web browsers with the following versions as a minimum: the latest available version of Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, or Safari.
  3. Only Customers meeting the conditions specified in Article 1 section 2 are entitled to place Orders in the Shop.
  4. The Terms of Use set out the rules for the conclusion and performance of contracts concluded in the Shop.
  5. For matters related to the use of the Shop, please send an e-mail to:

3. Creating an Account

  1. Placing an Order and purchasing access to the Application is possible after creating an Account.
  2. In order to create an Account, the Customer shall fill in a registration form on the Shop website and provide a unique username and password, which shall be used to log in to the Account.
  3. Filling in and accepting the registration form and the Terms of Use of the Shop constitutes Customer’s declaration that they are an entrepreneur and shall make purchases in the Shop only for the purpose directly related to their professional or business activity.

4. Placing an Order

  1. Placing an Order in the Shop is possible after logging to the Account.
  2. Orders can be placed 24 hours a day, every day of the week.
  3. The Seller shall allow, after prior information placed in the Shop, to indicate Working Days on which Orders shall not be placed.
  4. After selecting the Applications to which the Customer wishes to purchase access, the Customer places an order by using the “BUY” button.
  5. A prerequisite for placing an Order is acceptance of the Shop’s Terms of Use of version in force at the time of placing an Order.
  6. By clicking the “BUY” button, a binding Order for access to the Application is placed. The Customer is redirected to the payment operator’s website, where the Customer’s payment card is registered and verified. After successful verification, the Application is activated.
  7. Acceptance of the Order by the Seller is effected by sending a confirmation of acceptance of the Order for execution to the Customer via e-mail to the address indicated on the registration form, indicating the ordered access to the Application, the date until which the free version shall be used and information when the first payment shall be collected. This acceptance constitutes the Seller’s acceptance of the offer made by the Customer.
  8. Upon acceptance of the Order in accordance with section 7, the Customer shall be able to use the purchased Application after logging in to the Shop. After logging in to the Shop, the Customer shall see a list of ordered Applications. If the Application is paid, the “Active” status is visible, which means that it can be used. Everything is carried out within the Shop.
  9. On the first day after the expiry of free version of the Application, the Customer’s card shall be charged with an upfront payment for the month of use of the Application, unless the Customer cancels the use of the Application at the moment of expiration of free period, as specified in Article 5 section 7.  Subsequent payments, for each subsequent month of use of the Application, are charged upfront.
  10. The Terms of Use in the version in force at the time of placing the Order form an integral part of the contract.

5. Contract

  1. The nature of information included in the Shop is that of an invitation to conclude a contract, in accordance with Article 71 of the Civil Code.
  2. By placing an Order, the Customer makes an offer to the Seller to purchase access to the Application covered by the Order.
  3. The contract is concluded upon receipt by the Customer of the Seller’s statement of acceptance of the Customer’s offer to purchase access to the Application covered by the Order.
  4. Within the framework of the contract concluded in the aforementioned manner, the Seller undertakes to perform the Order in accordance with the contents of the Order indicated to the Customer in the acceptance of the Order.
  5. Use of the Application is free of charge for a period of 30 days from the day on which the payment card is registered and confirmed.
  6. 3 days before the end of the Application’s free use period, the Customer shall receive an e-mail reminder that the period is coming to an end and that their card shall be debited for the following month, unless the Customer cancels the use of the Application in the manner specified in section 7.
  7. Irrespective of whether the Customer wishes to terminate the use of the Application during the free period or after the paid period has already started, the termination process is as follows:
    • The Customer clicks on the “Cancel” button in the list of services
    • The Customer is given a questionnaire to fill in on why they are cancelling the service
    • After completing the survey, a window appears, asking if they are sure they wish to cancel the selected Application
    • If the Customer confirms, information about the cancellation and the time remaining during which the service shall be provided appears in the service details
    • The service continues until the end of the current period (free or paid)
    • Access to the Application is blocked after the expiry of the free or paid use period. The application reappears in the “Buy” section
    • After cancellation, the Seller retains the Customer’s data for a period of 6 months after which it is deleted.
  8. The Customer undertakes to pay the Price if they intend to use the Application after the expiry of the free period.
  9. If the payment operator fails to confirm the payment card, the Application shall have an “Unpaid” status after 30 minutes. Then another payment attempt can be made. (If the next payment period starts and the Customer has not provided funds on the card, then after four unsuccessful collection attempts the Service is deactivated and shall have an “Unpaid” status).

6. Availability of Services

  1. In the event when the Seller is unable to fulfil the Order within the timeframe indicated in the Shop, the Customer shall be informed about it immediately via e-mail.
  2. The Customer shall then have the right to cancel the Order within 2 days of receiving the e-mail.

7. Prices

  1. The prices shown on the Shop’s website are expressed in Polish Zloty (PLN). The price is quoted as a gross amount; next to the gross price is the net amount, excluding VAT.
  2. The Prices in the Price List are binding and cannot be negotiated.
  3. The remuneration for the Order includes payment of 100% of the Price.

8. Payment method

  1. Payment is charged in advance for one month’s use of the selected Application. 
  2. The Customer can pay by payment card via the payment operator’s service. The Seller shall allow the use of a promotional code in accordance with the following rules for the use of promotional codes:
    • promotional codes are not means of payment; they allow the use of the Application free of charge for a limited period of time;
    • the Seller may provide the Customer with a promotional code as part of an organised promotion or by individual agreement with the Customer;
    • the promotional code can be used when placing an Order;
    • the promotional code cannot be exchanged in whole or in part for cash and cannot be returned to the Seller;
    • the promotional code is active from the moment it is delivered to the Customer;
    • the Customer is entitled to use the promotional code once when making purchases in the Shop;
    • promotional codes do not add up; no more than one code can be used during one purchase;
    • the validity of the promotional code is determined each time it is provided to the Customer;
    • in order to use the promotional code, enter the given string of characters in the “I have a promotional code” field when placing an Order and then click the “USE PROMOTIONAL CODE” button;
    • in the event of cancellation of a contract concluded using a promotional code, the Customer shall be refunded the value of the product as shown on the invoice.
  3. The Seller does not own the payment operator’s system. Complaints regarding this system are handled in accordance with the Terms of Use available on the payment operator’s website.
  4. The electronic payment service provider are the payment operators listed below:
    • Stripe – Headquarters South San Francisco, California
  5. The Customer is obliged to pay the Price.
  6. The first time payment is made for the selected Application. If it is rejected by the payment operator or interrupted, then after 30 minutes the order is cancelled and the order must be placed again.
  7. If the next payment is declined, the use of the Application is suspended and the “Unpaid” status is shown on the list of Requested Applications with the option to pay again.

9. VAT invoices

  1. Transactions made through the Service shall be documented by invoices.
  2. An invoice shall be issued in accordance with the information provided when registering an account on the Paperlesslite Shop, no later than the 15th day of the month following the month in which the payment was made.
  3. The Customer accepts that invoices shall be issued and sent electronically to the e-mail address provided during registration and visible in the Customer Profile.

10. First use of the Application

  1. The Customer gains access to the Application that is the subject of the Order after accepting the Terms of Use relating to the Application and after registering a payment card on which funds are provided to pay the Price.
  2. The list of Applications selected by the Customer shall show the “Active“ status, confirming the Application registration and activation.
  3. The purchased Application is now ready for use.

11. Complaint procedure

  1. The User has the right to make complaints about the Shop or the Application.
  2. Complaints should be submitted in writing to the Seller’s address or via e-mail to the following information address:
  3. The complaint should contain a detailed description of the event justifying the complaint, the name and VAT number of the Customer’s company / the Customer’s full name and e-mail address.
  4. Complaints that do not contain the above data shall not be considered by the Seller.
  5. The Seller shall consider the complaint within 14 days from the date of receipt, unless it is necessary to provide the Seller with additional information in order to consider the complaint. In such a case, the 14-day period shall be counted from the date of provision of such information.
  6. The Seller shall notify the User via e-mail of the complaint procedure outcome.
  7. In order to effectively consider a submitted complaint or to diagnose a potential problem in the operation of the Shop or the Application, the User grants, without any additional statements, to the Seller the right to access the data processed by the User in the Application (access to the Application).
  8. A complaint considered in accordance with the provisions of the Terms of Use is not subject to further consideration or reconsideration.

12. Personal data

  1. The controller of personal data processed in connection with the Shop’s operations is: Infinite Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Lublin, ul. Projektowa 1, 20-209 Lublin, entered into the Register of Entrepreneurs kept by the District Court for Lublin-Wschód in Lublin, 6th Commercial Division of the National Court Register, KRS No. 000016222, NIP 9461894773, REGON 430801543, hereinafter referred to as the Controller.
  2. In matters concerning the manner and scope of processing of personal data within the scope of the Controller’s operations, the Personal Data Protection Officer can be contacted via the following address: or in writing to the Controller’s address.
  3. The Controller processes personal data on the basis of applicable laws and concluded contracts to pursue the Controller’s legitimate interests and on the basis of the granted consent.
  4. Personal data shall be processed for the following purpose(s):
    • registration and administration of the Account in the Shop (legal basis: Arti-cle 6 section 1b of the GDPR) – for the duration of the contract and post-contract settle-ment;
    • provision of services ordered via the Shop which involves the need to fulfil the Controller’s legal obligations concerning, e.g. issuing or storing invoices and other ac-counting documents, responding to complaints (legal basis: Article 6 section 1c of the GDPR) – for the period that the law requires the data to be stored;
    • verification of identity when creating an account in the Shop – the legal ba-sis for data processing is the pursuit of the controller’s legitimate interest consisting in en-suring that Shop users can effectively use the service (legal basis: Article 6 section 1f of the GDPR) – for the period of the Shop account activity
    • ensuring proper operation of the Shop and developing its functionalities – the legal basis for the processed data is the pursuit of the Controller’s legitimate interest (legal basis: Article 6 section 1f of the GDPR) consisting in enabling the Controller to ensure that the Shop operates correctly and the Controller is able to develop its functionalities;
    • direct marketing (legal basis: Article 6 section 1f of the GDPR) – for the duration of the con-tract or until raising an objection.
  5. In relation to the processing of data for the purposes referred to in section 4, the personal data recipients may be the entities in the following categories:
    • processing personal data on behalf of the Controller on the basis of relevant contracts, e.g. operating the Controller’s IT systems, operating online payment systems;
    • authorised to receive them under applicable laws, e.g. courts and state authorities.
  6. We do not currently transfer your data to recipients based outside the European Union or the European Economic Area. Data collected via the website is transferred to the servers of monitoring or targeting technology providers working on our behalf (e.g. Google Analytics). In order to prevent the analysis of your habits and preferences, you can withdraw your consent to the use of cookies at any time via your browser settings, following the instructions indicated in the Cookie Information.
  7. You have the following rights related to the processing of your personal data:
    • the right to access personal data, including the right to obtain a copy of such data;
    • the right to request the rectification (correction) of personal data – where data is incorrect or incomplete;
    • the right to request erasure of personal data (the so-called “right to be forgotten”); where:
    • the data is no longer needed for the purposes for which it was collected or otherwise pro-cessed;
    • the data subject has objected to the processing of personal data;
    • the data subject has withdrawn consent to the processing of personal data which is the ba-sis for data processing and there is no other legal basis for data processing;
    • personal data is processed unlawfully;
    • personal data must be removed to fulfil the obligation arising from the provisions of the law;
    • the right to request restriction of personal data processing, if:
      • the data subject questions the accuracy of personal data;
      • the processing of data is unlawful and the data subject opposes the erasure of data, requesting their restriction instead;
      • the Controller no longer needs the data for its purposes, but the data subject needs them to establish, defend or pursue claims;
      • the data subject has objected to the processing of data pending the verification whether the legitimate grounds of the Controller override the grounds of objec-tion;
    • the right to data portability, if the following conditions are jointly met:
      • data processing takes place on the basis of a contract concluded with the data sub-ject or on the basis of the consent expressed by that person;
      • the processing is carried out by automated means;
    • the right to object to the processing of your data where there are grounds relating to your particular situation and the processing is based on it being required for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the Controller or by a third party (Article 6 section 1f of the GDPR), except when the Controller:
      • demonstrates the existence of compelling legitimate grounds for the processing overriding those interests, rights and freedoms of the data subject which require the protection of personal data, in particular where the data subject is a child; or
      • demonstrates grounds for the establishment, assertion or defence of claims. How-ever, if your data is processed for direct marketing purposes (including profiling) you have the right to object at any time and the Controller shall no longer be al-lowed to process your data for these purposes.
  8. If you become aware of unlawful processing by the Controller, you have the right to file a complaint to the President of the Personal Data Protection Office.
  9. Providing personal data is voluntary but necessary to achieve the above purposes.

13. Seller’s liability

  1. In particular, the Seller is not liable for damage resulting from:
    • the Customer’s failure to comply with the technical requirements necessary for the cooperation with the ICT system used by the Seller;
    • inability to access the Shop or the Application due to reasons beyond the Seller’s control;
    • force majeure;
    • malfunctions, causes on the part of Access providers, Internet providers, hardware or software failures of the Customer;
    • improper use of the Shop by the Customer;
    • a short technical interruption in the Shop operation in the event of planned, ongoing maintenance of the server, and the Shop’s software.
  2. The Customer is entirely responsible for all consequences resulting from the purchase non-compliant with the Terms of Use or incorrect data entered in the registration form.
  3. Any change of e-mail address used in communication with the Seller must be immediately notified to the Seller. In the event of deletion or change of e-mail address, the Customer shall ensure that e-mails sent to the old address are forwarded to the new address so that correspondence which is also sent to the previous address is received. If these obligations are not complied with, the Seller shall not be liable for any damage resulting from the Customer’s failure to read the content of the message.
  4. The Seller’s liability under statutory warranty is excluded. 
  5. The Seller is not liable for lost profits.  
  6. The Seller’s total liability on all grounds shall be limited to the amount of the value of the Order in connection with the performance of which the damage occurred.

14. Accessibility and changes to the Terms of Use

  1. The Terms of Use are permanently available on the Shop website.
  2. Placing an Order shall mean accepting the Terms of Use in the wording in force on the date of placing the Order.
  3. The Seller is entitled to amend the Terms of Use at any time, with the amendment of the Terms of Use becoming effective in relation to Orders placed after the new wording of the Terms of Use is uploaded to the Shop website.

15. Provisions for Customers with Consumer Rights

  1. The provisions of this Article shall apply additionally in the case of contracts concluded through the Shop by the Seller with a Customer with Consumer Rights.
  2. In the event that the Customer referred to in section 1 makes a statement in any legally permissible form that the given contract is directly related to their business but is not of a professional nature for them, then:
    • in relation to the Customer referred to in section 1, those provisions of the contract or the Terms of Use which constitute prohibited contractual provisions pursuant to Articles 3851 to 3853 of the Civil Code shall not apply;
    • where the contract is both a remote or home solicitation sales contract within the meaning of the provisions of the Consumer Rights Act of 30 May 2014, the Consumer referred to in section 1 shall have the right to withdraw from the contract under the conditions set out in section 5. The right of withdrawal shall not apply to contracts referred to in Article 38 of the Consumer Rights Act.
  3. The Seller shall be liable for the non-conformity with the contract of the Applications delivered as part of the performance of the Contract under the terms of the Consumer Rights Act. Any non-conformity with the Contract that becomes apparent before the expiry of one year after delivery of the Application shall be presumed to have existed at the time of delivery.
  4. The Seller shall keep the Customer referred to in section 1 informed of and provide updates, including those relating to security, necessary for the Application to comply with the Agreement and shall provide them for the time:
    • of providing the Application as specified in the contract pursuant to which the provision is continuous; or
    • reasonably expected by the Customer, taking into account the type of Application and the purpose for which it is used, the circumstances, and nature of the contract, if the contract provides for the provision of digital content or a digital service on a one-off basis or in parts.
  5. A model of withdrawal declaration referred to in Article 2 is set out in Appendix No. 1 to these Terms of Use. The use of this model is not mandatory.
  6. The Customer referred to in section 1 shall have the right to withdraw from the contract without giving any reason within 14 days of the conclusion of the contract. The Customer may make a declaration of withdrawal from the Agreement in any form, including, for example, in writing by post to the following address: ul. Projektowa 1, 20-209 Lublin or via e-mail to:
  7. It shall be sufficient for the period for withdrawal from the Agreement to be observed if the declaration is sent before the period for withdrawal.
  8. In the event of withdrawal from the Agreement for the supply of digital content or digital service, the Customer referred to in section 1 shall be obliged to cease using that digital content or digital service and make it available to third parties.
  9. The Seller informs that there is a possibility for the Customer referred to in section 1 to make use of out-of-court methods of handling complaints and pursuing claims, including in particular:
    • through voluntary mediation conducted by voivodship Trade Inspectorate branches and their local divisions, where the role of mediator in the dispute is performed by an employee of the above-mentioned inspectorate, observing the principles of impartiality and fairness, whose task is, among other things, to propose available methods of resolving the dispute; mediation shall take place with the participation of both parties, directly at the seats of the above-mentioned branches or at the Seller’s premises. Information on how to access the above-mentioned procedure and the methods for resolving disputes through this procedure can be found at, under the “Amicable Settlement of Consumer Disputes” tab or at;
    • before permanent amicable consumer courts operating at voivodship Trade Inspectorate branches, including, for example, before the Permanent Amicable Consumer Court at the Voivodship Trade Inspectorate Officer in Warsaw. Information on how to access the aforementioned dispute resolution procedure and methods can be found at, under the “Amicable Settlement of Consumer Disputes” tab or at In addition, the Customer referred to in section 1 may request assistance from the district Consumer Advocate; district Consumer Advocates are located at county offices or city halls (in the case of cities with county rights) and their task is to provide consumers with substantive support, including free legal assistance; more information is available at, under the “Amicable Settlement of Consumer Disputes” tab or at
  10. The Customer referred to in Article 1 may submit a dispute for resolution via the ODR (Online Dispute Resolution) EU platform, available at:
  11. At the same time, in accordance with Article 3 section 1 item 10 of the Consumer Rights Act, the provisions of this Act and, consequently, the provisions introduced into the Terms of Use on the basis thereof with respect to contracts under which the Customer referred to in section 1 is obliged to pay a price not exceeding PLN 50.

16. Final provisions

  1. The contract shall be concluded in Polish.
  2. These Terms of Use are available on the Website. Everyone can access and read the Terms of Use.
  3. The provision of unlawful content by the Customer shall be prohibited.
  4. The Terms of Use shall come into force on …………..
  5. In the event of losing the entrepreneur status and during the period of suspension of business activity, the Customer is not entitled to use the Shop and is therefore obliged not to place Orders during this period and to inform the Seller about the occurrence of the indicated circumstance. In the event of loss of the entrepreneur status, the Customer should immediately deregister from the Shop.
  6. The Shop reserves the right to:
    • withdraw individual Applications from the Shop;
    • change the Application Prices;
    • introduce new Applications and Services to the Shop;
    • make changes to and cancel promotions on the Shop’s pages.