Everything in one place. Digital catalogue for your business.


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    What is Infinite e-Catalogue Suite?

    With Infinite eCatalogue, your company can inform it’s customers, suppliers, and users about your products, online. Infinite e-Catalogue Suite lets your business partners view product information, dedicated pricing, images, warranty terms, or new releases in real-time. All in one platform.

    It’s a user friendly platform, fully responsive which mean that you can access it from any device. Thanks to this all your visitors are up to date with your offer. Additionally you can integrate e-catalogue with your ERP system. Thanks to this you can save a lot of time and keep all data consistent. You need just only one click to import all data from ERP to Infinite e-catalogue. Actual updates visible for your business partners, shortening the process and full automatization. Forget about stacks of papers and lost documents. Cooperation with business partners becomes more clear and faster.

    Why do you need e-catalogue

    The benefits of using e-catalogue

    We give you flexible and fully customizable solution for your business. You can save money and build effective cooperation with business partners.

    • Consolidate product data from different systems
    • Automate product information management
    • Streamline collaboration on product content both internally and externally (with buyers, suppliers, new partners)
    • Speed-up time-to-market for new products
    • Improve omni-channel capabilities
    • Access a trusted 360°-view of product data across the organization
    • Improve supply chain efficiencies
    • Increase financial transparency
    • Reduce procure-to-pay cycle
    • User-friendly touchless import of product information from any system in any format (descriptions, marketing information, product properties, codifications, etc.)
    Fully integrated with ERP systems

    Simple integration your eCatalogue with ERP system

    Now all data you can send from your ERP system to eCatalogue platform by one click. You don’t need to add all products manually. Everything is automated. All information are compatible with your ERP system. Infinite eCatalogue ensure you walidation which means that data are correct and understandable for your business partners.

    Clear and advanced product card

    Product card adjusted to your business

    We give you flexible and fully customizable solution for your business. You can save money and build effective cooperation with business partners. Our team can also customize product card for your branch and add dedicated buttons.

    • photo upload
    • prices
    • photo gallery mode
    • descriptions
    • barcodes
    • packing
    • dimensions
    • place for video
    • language versions
    • warranty
    • storage information
    Ekatalog3 1
    key features

    Why do you need eCatalogue?

    All in one place

    Now you have all products in one platform. Synchronised with your business partners in real time.

    All In One Place

    Customizable catalogue

    We can tailor the catalogue fitting your industry, by adding new modules or buttons.

    Customizable Catalogue

    Automation of all processes

    Forget about stack of papers or lost documents. All data is available on one platform.

    Automation Of All Processes

    Available on mobile devices

    Platform is responsive which means that you can use it everywhere also on mobile phones and tablets

    Available On Mobile Devices

    Advanced product card

    You can choose from many available options and share additional materials like videos, images, pdf files.

    Advanced Product Card

    Guarantee of correct data

    All updates are visible for business partners and synchronised with ERP systems.

    Guarantee Of Correct Data

    Marketing module for users

    Our e-Catalogue solution provides you with marketing tools dedicated for your business. You can fit in banners, publish information about new products, utilize ready to print materials or share them in social media.

    • display banners
    • messages about new products for all customers
    • ready to print materials
    • video upload
    • photo gallery
    • 360° view products
    • social media add-ons
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    How it works?

    E Catalogue Schema1

    Funcionalities and advantages

    User-friendly import of product information from any system in any format (technical descriptions, marketing information, product properties, identifiers, etc.)
    Ability to synchronize and update product data within different departments of the company in a flexible, customisable interface
    Automated and controlled creation of digital product copies, which are later transferred to your brand websites, partners, retailers, marketplaces and other digital touchpoints.
    Streamline collaboration on product content, both internally and externally (with partners, suppliers…)
    Automate product information management and approval workflows
    Speed up time to market for new products
    Improve omnichannel capabilities
    Deliver engaging product experience across all touchpoints
    Publish consistent, relevant, and localized product content
    Fuel any channel with the right product information
    Expand the reach of sales and marketing into new channels
    Increase sales through
    Rich and complete product information and digital assets
    engaging customer experience and loyalty thanks to trusted and relevant product content
    improved up-sell and across-sell opportunities
    higher conversion rates and margins
    Access a trusted 360°-view of product data across the organization

    Avoid product launch delays
    Improve supply chain efficiencies
    Enable rapid supply chain traceability
    Stop lost revenue due to out-of-stocks
    Reduce customer defection because of poor service
    Reduce inventory levels
    Enable rich reporting and analytics environments to deliver informed decisions
    Consolidate product data from different systems
    Clear relationships (raw material and supplier; finished goods and sales regions)
    Achieve maximum ROI from M&As by streamlining corporate data consolidation to realize synergies more quickly
    Use accurate product data across the enterprise for your analytics, big and small, for better opportunity identification and increased value
    Boost business efficiency and IT performance by automating data profiling, discovery, cleansing, standardizing, enriching, matching, and merging in a single central repository
    Share and manage product master data strategically and securely across functions, channels, lines of business, regions, and applications

    Frequently asked questions

    Most popular questions from clients

    What is Infinite e-Catalogue Suite as the Master Data Management (MDM) tool?

    Infinite e-Catalogue Suite enables information integrity across your business network. It empowers the sharing of harmonized master data, currently trapped in multiple systems, and ensures cross system data consistency.

    When is it required? Why is it needed?

    The root cause of data inconsistency is when different departments, while applying modifications to data through the value chain, create their own versions of it, store it in their internal modules and reintroduce that modified data back into the system, leading to duplication, redundancies, ultimately clogging enterprise productivity and overall results. If you face it, it is time for the Infinite e-Catalogue Suite deployment.

    Do I need a specific technology stack to deploy Infinite e-Catalogue Suite?

    Infinite e-Catalogue Suite is a plug-in service technologically independent from your ERP or applications in use.

    Who needs Infinite e-Catalogue Suite?

    With the avalanche of surrounding us data and its effects on significant aspects of business, companies of any size can no longer afford disparate data management initiatives that lead to fragmented B2B or B2C experiences.

    Which industries benefit most of the Infinite e-Catalogue Suite deployment?

    Retail, FMCG, pharmaceutical, healthcare, automotive, aviation as they need faster data on-boarding, constant agility, streamlined processes, automation, flexibility, and operational efficiency.

    By which means the synchronisation process of master data takes place?

    In B2B relations it is imperative to have real-time communication channels with business partners. The synchronisation process takes place via direct integrations of ERP systems with Infinite e-Catalogue Suite. An alternative, especially for small companies, is to update the master data via a dedicated web-based interface of Infinite e-Catalogue Suite.

    contact form

    If you have any more questions not listed here, please feel free to contact us: