
Established in 2012, Koita Foods’ products are now available through direct supply or via distributors in more than 10 countries. Koita has quickly acquired the status of a reputed dairy company and can be seen expanding it’s business and consumer base in the region.

Before implementating Data Automation Suite with one of their largest modern trade customer (Carrefour), Koita Foods was spending almost 2-3 hours daily just processing the LPO’s from Carrefour for it’s 100+ stores.

Country: United Arab Emirates (Dubai)
Solution: Infinite Data Automation


Daily operational tasks such as manual data entry from Carrefour LPO’s were taking seve- ral hours for Koita Foods.These manual tasks not only created higher operational costs but also meant that there was still a chance of some human errors in the order processing.

Koita Foods’ main challenge was:
To reduce the time frame to complete the order processing
The time to receive an order request (LPO) from different Carrefour stores was random and therefore, challenging to fulfill multiple orders at various times, while ensuring a smooth and organized supply chain.

Project requrements

The concept of Data Automation Suite was new to Koita Foods but the benefits were immediate as it impacted the bottom-line cost of opera- tions and ensured a better supply chain process.

Koita Foods was looking for an experienced partner to implement the Data Automation system. We seemed to be a perfect fit as Infinite IT Solutions enjoys excellent long-term partner- ships with renowned MNC companies across the world, and is the largest seller of Data Auto- mation systems in the United Arab Emirates.

Infinite developed and configured a new API to enable Data Automation integration with DEAR systems to ensure smooth integration and flaw- less document exchange between the systems.


Infinite worked closely with the Koita Foods team to form an equal partnership that was critical through the implementation and the overall success. An uncompromised require- ment for Infinite was to adapt to DEAR systems and work within the scope of the such a system for the first time and make sure the project integration was seamless. The implementation took place over a 6 week period from start to the go-live date. Infinite continued to provide strategic support to ensure that Koita Food’s users were initially acclimated to the new processes and still continues to provide enhancements as their business continues to grow.

The highly successful implementation provi- ded Koita Foods with an integrated and sustainable platform to confidently move forward into the company’s next chapter. As a result of Data Automation project, the com- pany was able to rapidly speed up business transactions that now happen almost instantly and provide Koita Foods with real-time data, improved reporting processes and the ability to continuously build upon their platform. They now have greater visibility into general processes which allows them to instantly track sales and revenue.

Custom solutions

By default, Koita Food’s DEAR system didn’t have an outlet codes configuration, so Infinite IT Solu- tions customized this by adding outlet codes without any developments or modifications done by DEAR systems.

Infinite’s API now smoothly connects docu- ment exchange between Koita Foods and its multiple customers, be it modern trade retailer or e-commerce giant Amazon.ae (UAE) using latest technology; without any addifiona¦ deve¦opment or any need of custo- mizafions as per each customers system requirement, tru¦y behfing the statement
„One to Many”.

LPOs from multiple modern trade E-commerce customers messages

These are the messages that are being exchanged at the moment, however more messages are ready to be introduced as per each customers business need.

After deployment

Koita Foods uses G Suite for emails and received LPO’s as CSV files from Spinneys by email which proved to be cumbersome. Infinite IT Solutions created a script for downloading the attach- ments into the Google Drive from where Infinite could monitor and pick up the CSV files and send processed data back to Koita Food’s DEAR systems. This was first of a kind project by Infini- te and is highly successful showcasing out solu- tion-oriented approach.


The Data Automation Suite implementation resulted in a reduction of costs related to mana- ging paper documents (filling, sending, storing), reduction of errors occurring in the case of processing sales orders manually. Electronic data exchange is a fast, flawless and, above all, secure way of sending information between business partners.

100% data accuracy while processing sales orders in record time
Direct integration with regions biggest retail chain to exchange documents system to system Automation of Sales orders from their top 3 modern trade customers Koita Foods achieved a higher SLA with their retailer after the Data Automation Suite implementation thanks to the quick order processing and 100% data accuracy.

They have also saved up to 3 hours of manual tasks for each retailer they imple- mented EDI for and maximized staff productivity by having their staff focus on other important responsibilities and thereby keeping minimal operational costs, thanks to Infinite’s Data Automation solution.
Next, Infinite will work on implementing the Data Automation system for the next 5 retailers in the following 3 months, and also expand the scope of Data Automation with Koita Foods’ best HoReCa customers.

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